Expanded space, enhanced programming, collaborative educational experiences – these are what the CSU Garfield County Education Center is all about! (Click on the picture for a video in English.)
¡Espacio ampliado, programación mejorada, experiencias educativas colaborativas, esto es de lo que se trata el CSU Centro de Educación del Condado de Garfield! (Haga clic en las palabras debajo de la imagen para ver un vídeo en español.)
For more than 100 years, CSU Extension has partnered with community members in Garfield County to find the answers they need for a healthy home life, successful business, and thriving community. The Garfield County Education Center is an innovative resource that will further this work by serving as a hub for programming and outreach that doesn’t currently exist in Garfield County. Your support makes this project possible, ensuring a sustainable and adaptable resource for Garfield County for decades to come.
Durante más de 100 años, CSU Extension se ha asociado con miembros de la comunidad en el condado de Garfield para encontrar las respuestas que necesitan para una vida hogareña saludable, negocios exitosos y una comunidad próspera. El Centro de Educación del Condado de Garfield es un recurso innovador que promoverá este trabajo al servir como un centro de programación y divulgación que actualmente no existe en el Condado de Garfield. Su apoyo hace posible este proyecto, asegurando un recurso sostenible y adaptable para el condado de Garfield en las próximas décadas.
This new facility will provide dedicated, inspiring, and community-focused space to serve youth and adults through science-based 4-H youth development educational programs including: STEM-based robotics, gardening, wood working, welding, sewing, and archery, in addition to community-based adult educational programming.
Esta nueva instalación proporcionará un espacio dedicado, inspirador y centrado en la comunidad para servir a jóvenes y adultos a través de programas educativos de desarrollo juvenil 4-H basados en la ciencia que incluyen: robótica basada en STEM, jardinería, carpintería, soldadura, costura y tiro con arco. Además de la programación educativa para adultos basada en la comunidad.
Help us make the center a reality! Give today! ¡Ayúdanos a hacer realidad el centro! ¡Dale hoy!

Maker Space
The maker space will be located on the first floor of the Garfield County Education Center. This space will include opportunities for young people to learn about woodworking, welding, electricity, archery and many other engineering and design projects.

Indoor Classrooms
The STEAM education room will be located on the second floor and will include 2 teaching kitchens for instruction in cooking, food safety and food preservation. This room will also have space for instruction of sewing, clothing construction, quilting, as well as robotics. This room will also be a teaching center for Cooking Matters in the Rifle area.
The second floor will also feature one large classroom that can be broken down into smaller classrooms to accommodate many opportunities for nonprofits to have space to meet such as 4-H Clubs. These classrooms will be equipped with the technology needed to allow for classroom instruction for continuing credit hour classes that may be needed for teachers as well as other professions.

Outdoor Classroom
The outdoor classroom will feature a teaching pavilion, teaching gardens, outdoor STEM education space as well as an opportunity for youth to learn about water using Rifle Creek that flows through the outdoor space.

Garfield County CSU Extension Office
Garfield County CSU Extension office will be on the first floor and will house four extension agents that serve in the areas of: 4-H Youth Development, 4-H School Enrichment, 4-H STEM, Family and Consumer Science, Agriculture, Horticulture and Natural Resources. This office also hosts four STEM AmeriCorps members and the Garfield County Outdoor education coordinator.
Contributions can be made payable to CSU Foundation. Please write on the memo line: Garfield County Extension. Contributions can be mailed to: Carla Farrand, P O Box 1112, Rifle CO 81650.